Adding a video to your blog post
Hello all,
I thought I'd throw up a quick how-to for sticking videos into your blog post. I know some of you have already included videos and figured it out, but if you've run into any troubles, this quick guide will help.
Now my images are from youtube, but any video (youtube, vimeo, or viddler) should have a place for you to capture an embed code (if you can't find it, it is possible that the video creator has disabled it so that you can't use their video). Get that embed code. On youtube there's a button right underneath the video and o
nce you click it it pulls up the code which you want to copy.
Then go into your blogger "new post" portal and on the upper right hand corner you want to click the "edit HTML" tab (as opposed to the "compose" tab). Then you just paste your video embed code there.
Then you can re-click the "Compose" tab and ta-da, you should see your video and be able to add your text around it. Or if you prefer (I do) you can stay in the edit html box and add your text there around the code because I think it's a little easier to do without having the big video in your way.
Hope this helps!
Hey Trista,
Thanks for helping me figure this out and also for the useful info on social change + new media. I appreciate it.