Social Fundraising

As I mentioned in my presentation yesterday there are a few great online fundraising sites that take advantage of social fundraising and are quite cheap/FREE! I said I would throw a few of them up here for you since I didn't list them in my presentation, so here you go!

1. - this look like a great one, your non-profit can create your own page/customize the donation page, it provides you with buttons that you can stick on your site, it integrates with Facebook and Twitter, and I think is free :)

2. -this platform works with and takes advantage of Twitter. It has an easy way for people to re-tweet your donation message and then go directly to your Twitpay fundraising page. They only charge a small transaction fee, but don't charge you a monthly fee or a site fee so if you're not getting donations, you don't have to pay anything.

3. - this site is probabaly one of my favorite; the user interface is so clear and easy, plus they have "share on Facebook/Twitter/Email" buttons right there which make it easy for people to share your page with others or announce that they've just donated. However, this site takes the most money from your cause, which for many fundraisers may not be worth the lovely user interface.

4. - is not quite a site (well they have a site) but is more of a widget that allows you to connect it to PayPal and then place the widget on your site or blog in order to raise money and then the money gets deposited into your PayPal account. I like this little widget and ChipIn is pretty easy to use. This is also useful for personal fundraising (for a trip or personal cause) or to place on your blog for readers who love you to donate to you.

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