Case: Clark Thirft Store
Before Alexa had even asked the class for a consult I have been interested in the Thrift Store's Social Media attempts. It's impressive that they have a Twitter account and a Facebook page which are both updated pretty frequently and that they try and match marketing efforts with themes and events on campus, they feature their news mentions, plus one day they tweeted out some music to get people excited for summer- those are all great moves. I had a couple of brainstorms for ideas I would suggest trying out:
1. Videos. Any events (ex: fashion show) at the Thrift Store should be filmed and put up on Youtube and shared via the other outlets. It's easy to find people on campus with a flip cam and people love videos and they're easy to share. Perhaps a video (or photo) of the amount of donations received at the end of the semesters, a little blurb about how wonderful it is that these things are being recycled and not thrown away, etc. Maybe creating a few fun commercials or fun videos would be a good way to promote the store as well. Let the staff brainstorm- they're bound to come up with a few fun ideas.
2. Geolocation. While it's still free for merchants to set up their backend on Foursquare it might be cool to encourage people to check-in. Or since Foursquare might not be right for the Clarkie market, encourage them to check in on Facebook places (it'll show up on their Facebook that they were shopping at the thrift store- a free testimonial to all their friends!) and even considering a deal for those who check-in.
3. Groupon? Well, not quite, because it wouldn't really make sense for the CCTS to appear on Groupon.. but the Thrift Store could create their own Groupon deal and just sell it at the Thrift Store... what?
So say for 48 hours the Thrift Store promotes that you can come into the store a buy $10 worth of store credit for $5 (like Groupon). People can come in, purchase a voucher that can be used for up to one year (and maybe they forget to use it actually- free money, which is how a lot of places make money with free coupons and things like that). If they don't forget, then it creates a little buzz, it's innovative, and it gets people into the store.
4. Music! I loved Alexas promotion with the "Summer Girls" music and college students love sharing and discovering new music. The Thrift Store could put out a weekly (or biweekly) list of 3 or 4 songs that are based on a seasonal theme or a campus theme. A good platform for this is something like (they're even working on an iPhone app). Then students can even suggest music that can be added to that weeks list. And maybe the name of that weeks playlist or the title of one of the songs could be a coupon code for a $1 or 2 off at the store.
5. Blog/interesting FB page content. The Thrift Store may want to build a blog into their site, or perhaps more pertinent is to simply focus on content for the FB page (which can also be linked to via Twitter).
*One thought I had was "dress like...[insert movie or tv show]" or "decorate like...[insert movie or tv show]" which is basically putting together a little clothing or housewares collection that show students how they can "Dress like you're in That 70s Show" (which would feature an outfit or two and some shoes/accessories from/like the 70s). A design blog that I like does something like this: and I think it's a good fit for the Thrift Store.
*Keeping up with themes for sales I think is great (ex: all cocktail glasses 50% for Spree Day, Back to School- all bags and backpacks $2 off, Get ready for interviews 10% off professional wear/shoes... etc).
*"The best thing I bought at the Thrift Store.../I love my _______ that I bought at the Thrift Store."
*Share articles about recycling, thrifty living, etc.
*More photos! Photos should have been posted from "Just Do It Day" and put on the FB page and then people should have been tagged- that way the Thirft Store shows up on all those peoples' Facebooks.
(Videos and music that I mentioned, will also fill content slots).
Let your management team run with ideas, maybe make one manager in charge of content each week and rotate or give them each a day of the week.
6. Twitter searches. As more content starts going up, check-ins start occurring, and more Clarkies get Twitter accounts (it's quickly on the rise already), perhaps Twitter searches will be appropriate. And searches from Clarkies/clark community about shopping/clothing/moving can be responded to to either encourage donations or inviting shopping Clarkies to check out the thrift store before they go hit the mall for their retail therapy.