Case: Clark University Admissions

For some time now I've been interested in how Clark admissions could intertwine some social media efforts into their new and improved admissions/touring process. I have never worked for Scarlet Key, so I don't know for sure if these idea would be best complement the tours process, but I think embracing social media to reach out to prospective students is a good thought. I know they are pretty active on Facebook (and doing a good job responding to posts), post a lot of Youtube videos, and even attempted to use Formspring, but I think some other things can be done.

1. Embrace Twitter. I know Clark has the @ClarkMatters Twitter account, but that focuses on general university news and announcements. Admissions should be using Twitter. Replying to any students who tweet about touring or visiting Clark or anyone announcing they just got accepted to Clark. Maybe even to promote their twitter and hear from touring students that could create a t-shirt for tour guides that on the front says "Follow me..." (since they're on a tour- that makes sense) and on the back, "...@clarkadmissions".

2. Foursquare/Gowalla/FB Places. Clark admissions should maybe consider creating their own badge for foursquare or gowalla that students (or parents!) who are touring can get when they check-in to Clark admissions. Or maybe if you check-in on Facebook places you get 10% off your Bistro purchase(or something)- because that Facebook check-in will show upon their Facebook for all their friends and family to see (and for them to like and comment on and google "Clark University").

3. Skype (VoIP) For those who are far away but applying to Clark, of course there's the virtual tour and pictures, but perhaps Clark should consider doing those interviews over Skype with those who can't travel all the way over for that 1 hour interview.

4. pages for the tour guides/interviewers? Another thought I had was having the tour guides and the student interviewers making an About.Me page. They're short but can be personalized and can provide links (to twitter or blogs)/emails for prospective students to contact or feel like they can contact this person who they met while they were visiting Clark. It adds a more personal touch- then admissions can host a list with all the pages.

5. Should they consider a mobile app for admissions? I don't know if this would be worth it- but I do think it's worth considering. A mobile app that admissions can recommend visitors download prior to their visit that includes things like directions, parking help, food recommendations (which links to Yelp), a campus map (with location based abilities?), and events feature that lists all the student events going on on campus in case prospective students want to attend/check them out, a sections that features Youtube videos, take a picture with Freud prompt, a menu with what the caf is serving that day or what's on special at the bistro so the family can decide if they want to eat there, etc.
The easier and more fun it is to navigate one's way through a college/college tour the more comfortable the student is going to feel and the more positive thoughts will be associate with Clark.

Several other schools have gone forth with mobile applications that look pretty good! A lot of schools are even focusing on the mobile app for current students! This is important for making current students happy at the school so that they'll give money back in the future when they think back on fond memories :)

Virginia Tech

Plus all of these things, would show that Clark is ahead of the curve and making it so easy for students to get in touch, or stay in touch with the University.

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